NEW! October 2015 Town of W-S Library Expansion Proposal (16,000 sq.ft. library addition) & presentation.
- Compare: June 2014 Proposal (21,995 sq.ft. library addition) and staff report.
- Submit comments to Town of W-S staff and to mayor and your local Ward councillor.
- W-S Public Library Current and Future Space Requirements (May 2012 Update Final Report)
- "2011 Library Petition" (below) to W-S Council
- (More on Space / Facilities)
2011 Whitchurch-Stouffville Library Petition (400+ signatories; presented to Town Council)
Purpose: To raise awareness of the significant materials, space, and staffing needs of the Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library, and of long-term funding neglect.
"We, residents of Whitchurch-Stouffville, petition Town Council to develop and approve a plan to increase per person library funding to the provincial average by 2015, and to begin immediately to develop plans for a library expansion" (click to sign online petition)
This petition reflects the "key issues" identified by the Library in the 2011 Budget Plan (p. 235): "Adequate funding to sustain and grow the Library; Staffing limitations; Space constraints" (NB: "sustain ... library" already added 2009; see also Board SWOT Analysis)
2013 Update
- A. Neufeldt-Fast, Collected Correspondence with Town Council, January 2013 (with links)
- Neufeldt-Fast, Letter to Editor (also sent to Mayor and Council), January 4, 2013.
- A. Neufeldt-Fast, Open Letter (1) to Mayor and Council, Oct. 2012 (with impt. links)
- Information below will be updated for your information and advocacy on behalf of our library
- Still important to write to show your support for the library
- In 2007, the Library held 4.73 titles per person; in 2011, the Library held only 2.64 titles per person.
- In 2009, the Library held 87,558 titles; dropped to 85,839 in 2011.
- In 2011, the Library was forced to flat-line material purchases at 2010 levels (in order to get needed extra staff person); core material costs however rose 23% over 2010 (Budget, p. 234)
- Current facility: 14,215 sq.ft. (or 15,425 sq.ft. incl. shared municipal space), built in 2001 serving a population of 22,859 (2015 population: 46,485).
- Provincial guidelines: 65,625 sq. ft minimum for a central, stand-alone library building in Ontario, serving between 35,000 and 75,000 residents (i.e., 5x larger than current library = size of Canadian Tire Store with Garden Centre!)
- Expansion plans have been postponed annually since 2007: first to '09, then '10, then '12, then '14, and then this year revised to 2015--past the four year term (and accountability) of present council
- In 2011 first new full-time position created in over a decade--but only at the cost of flat-lining material acquisitions at 2010 levels and cutting back hours of part-time employees.
- 2001 (pop. 22,859): 9.61 staff (full-time equivalent); Library visitors in person: 100,150; circulation: 116,166
- 2008 (pop. 32,000; up 40% from '01): 9.91 staff (up only 3% from '01); Library visitors in person: 173,300 (2008; up 73%); circulation: 171,198 (up 47% from '01)
- Provincial guidelines: 1 staff per 2000 residents, or 22 Library staff (FTE) for W-S's current population of 44,000. In 2011, the Library was able to hire a 10th staff (FTE).
- Library portion of Town's operating expenses dropped from 5.1% in 2004 to 3% in 2007 and to an historic low of 2% in 2011.
- Between 2009 and 2010, per capita funding for the Library dropped 8%, from $25.43 to $23.44. In the same year, Recreation programming & facilities increased 34%, from $127.06 to $170.33
- Between 2006 and 2010, per person expenditures for the Library has declined from $29.39 to $23.44. In 2009, we were 43% below the provincial average for communities our size (2010 BMA, p. 124; compare 2013 BMA Municipal Study). In contrast, W-S's recreation programming and facilities funding has averaged 11% above the provincial avg. levels.
The Library Board's 2009 SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis notes the following key weaknesses and threats:
- "Limited space, ... continuous under-funding affect[ing] staffing and resources, ... disconnect/lack of shared vision between library board/staff and municipal council/staff" (p.15).
A pillar of the Town's corporate strategy since at least 2006 has been "balanced growth and community sustainability." The Library plays a critical role in community sustainability--intellectual, social, and cultural.
In each of the last three years, the Library Board/ Administration has drawn attention to the significant threats and weaknesses to this aspect community's social infrastructure (Budget Reports 2009, '10, '11).
It is now time for Town Council to act.
Petition Coordinator: Arnold Neufeldt-Fast, PhD, MA
- Email:
- Web:
- Download this summary for printing and distribution
- Contact the Mayor or your Ward Councillor directly
Next steps: Please continue to make your views known to the mayor and ward councillors;
High school students in particular should let council know if the Library is sufficient for your academic and meeting needs.
High school students in particular should let council know if the Library is sufficient for your academic and meeting needs.
- W-S Public Library Board Meeting, Sept. 1, 2011 (see presentation text here).
- W-S Town Council Meeting, Sept. 20, 2011 (see presentation text here; with petition signed by 400+)
- W-S Town Council Public Budget Consultation, Oct 25, 2011 (see news report here)
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