Petition: Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library Needs our Support Now!
Purpose: To raise awareness of the significant materials, space, and staffing needs of the public library, and of funding neglect.
Proposal: That the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville increase per person library funding to the provincial average by 2015, and to begin immediately to develop plans for a library expansion.
Library Materials:
Proposal: That the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville increase per person library funding to the provincial average by 2015, and to begin immediately to develop plans for a library expansion.
Library Materials:
- In 2007, the library held 4.73 titles per person; today the library has only 2.64 titles per person.
- By 2009, the library held 87,558 titles; provincially the average for municipalities our size was 143,500 titles (only 2008 stats avail. online).
- In 2011, Library Board was forced to flat-line material purchases at 2010 levels (in order to get a much needed extra staff person).
- Current facility: 13,121 square feet, built in 2001 (town pop: 22,859). Today's population is 38,650.
- Provincial guidelines: 65,625 sq. ft minimum for a central, stand-alone library building in Ontario, serving between 35,000 and 75,000 residents (5x larger than current library = size of new Canadian Tire Store with Garden Centre!)
- Expansion plans have been postponed from 2009, to 2014 and now past the four year term of present council.
- In 2011, first new full-time position created in over a decade, but only at the cost of flat-lining material acquisitions at 2010 levels and cutting back hours of part-time employees.
- 2001 (pop. 22,859): 9.61 staff (full-time equivalent); library visitors in person: 100,150; circulation: 116,166
- 2009 (pop. 34,300; up 50% from '01): 9.91 staff (up only 3% from '01); library visitors in person: 173,300 (2008; up 73%; '09 stats not available); circulation: 183,915 (up 58% from '01)
- Provincial guidelines: 1 staff per 2000 residents, or 19 library staff (FTE) for W-S's current population of 38,650. In 2011, the Library could finally hire a 10th staff (FTE).
- Library portion of Town's operating expenses dropped from 5.1% in 2004 to 3% in 2007 and to an historic low of 2% in 2011.
- Between 2009 and 2010, per capita funding for the library was cut 8%, from $25.43 to $23.44. Recreation programming andv facilities increased 34%, from $127.06 to $170.33
- Between 2006 and 2010, per person expenditures for library has declined from $29.39 to $23.44. In 2009, we were 43% below the provincial average for communities our size (2010 BMA, p. 124). In contrast, W-S's recreation programming and facilities funding has averaged 11% above the provincial avg. levels.
We, residents of Whitchurch-Stouffville, petition Town Council to develop and approve a plan to increase per person library funding to the provincial average by 2015, and to begin immediately to develop plans for a library expansion.
- Presentation of Library Petition: Whitchurch-Stouffville Town Council Meeting, Tues., Sept. 6, 2011, 7pm (all welcome to join delegation)
- Petition Coordinator: Dr. Arnold Neufeldt-Fast (PhD)
- Email:
- Web: